Why Abacus

Is your child struggling at school?
Lacking confidence?
Is your child missing out?

Join us today for the best cognitive development program from Shaping Brains.

Abacus – it’s not just about being able to calculate faster, it is a whole program to give your child that extra boost to stand out bold, confident, and intelligent among his peers. Give your child the power of ABACUS.

A centuries-old tried and tested mathematical tool for faster calculation that builds the mind of your child progressively. Abacus was used in different forms all over the globe by traders and businessmen to calculate large numbers with accuracy without the modern-day gadgets of calculation.


What is an Abacus?

It is a simple tool of beads on rods that help you calculate fast with a specific set calculating system. The teachers at abacus help you master the abacus tool and help your child calculate fast and accurately even the complex calculations given to them in minimal time. Quicker addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication the basics of all Mathematics are done in a jiffy with this method. Once your child gets hold of the system they would be able to multiply or even divide the huge numbers in no time. Give them the advantage and power of ABACUS today.  JOIN the Shaping Brains.

Eligibility for Learning Abacus

A child at the age of 3.5 can learn and be a proud owner of this magical counting ability. The earlier the better as it will help in the overall cognitive development of your child. Cognitive development starts and is at the fastest level of development after the age of 3-4 years. The students up to the age of 15 are at their best for learning ABACUS. So it is considered that you should let your child be trained in ABACUS as soon as he is eligible for formal schooling. Get your child enrolled today, let the experienced ABACUS Trainers at Shaping brain train the young mind into a  house of progressive cognitive development. It also helps them in their school academics. Try it!!

Abacus Advantages:

Improves Concentration:

While learning the ABACUS along with the ability to calculate faster and accurately, they are also passively developing the skill of cutting out distractions around them and concentrating on the activity they are performing. It is very important for a student to learn to focus and concentrate on the task given for efficient and accurate delivery. ABACUS instills this very important aspect of education and life skill; CONCENTRATION.

Improves listening and observation:

In the various techniques taught at ABACUS by Shaping Brain trainers, one of the basic skills that are built is of observing and listening properly and keenly. The flashcard training helps the child in processing numbers in a glance that helps them in sharpening their observation and listening skills. Every teacher says that for a good student it is of importance that they should be good listeners and observers.

Improves visualization, imagination, memory, and creativity:

The different skills and techniques taught by the Shaping Brains ABACUS trainers help the student in visualizing and imagining with virtual abacus methods wherein they have to calculate with the help of virtual abacus in their mind. Memorizing images during number training and problem solving also aids to boost your memory to another level and may even help in developing a photographic memory. Woow…isn’t it fantastic!!! Creativity sprouts from all about good visualization, clear imagination, and sharp memory.

Improves speed, accuracy, and analytical skills:

Today after schooling it is all about entrance exams and speed tests, even at the school level. These tests need speed, accuracy, and analytical skills at their best. Cracking a major exam is the combination of the three. ABACUS inherently develops speed, accuracy, and analytical skills as it is purely dealing with mathematics in a purely different way which enhances all these skills and more.


Improves self-confidence, enhances gross motor skills, reduces stress, and much more.